Empty makeup containers for bronzer
Empty makeup containers for bronzer

empty makeup containers for bronzer empty makeup containers for bronzer

They will allow you to separate your categories into sections and make it easy for you to find product. Ziploc bags are an inexpensive option for arranging and organizing your kit. My preference is to use clear plastic bags that allow me to see everything and set up only what I need on my makeup station. There are many options available for dividing and organizing your product into separate sections. Now that you’ve organized your product it’s onto the fun part-storage! Check out some of my favorite makeup storage ideas below. I find this helps me to be the most organized and efficient. Example-I keep complexion with complexion, and then subdivide color correctors, foundations, concealers, and powders into their own sections. I also like to combine my product in the order in which I tend to apply makeup.

empty makeup containers for bronzer

I divide the product and tools in my kit into the areas of application, for example: foundation with foundation, powders with powders, and all brow products together. With any makeup kit system, I suggest separating into multiple categories, keeping like with like. If you closely observe your own makeup application methods, you will see the patterns emerge in the order of your products, and organically devise the perfect way to keep them accessible. Now that you have your basic bag system set up, it’s time to figure out how you can compartmentalize. The most important thing to think about in organizing your kit is to think about what you can do to make carrying, locating and working from product as easy as possible. Building Your Kit Part 3: Storage Secrets | Beautylish

Empty makeup containers for bronzer